
Perennial Flowers


  • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Perennial

    Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Perennial

    Greens are tasty in salads and roasted roots are a delicious substitute for coffee. Make wine from flowers and tea from flowers, leaves, and roots. Loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, Dandelion is valued as a medicinal herb. Grow in shade/partial...
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  • Dara/Queen Anne’s Lace (Daucus carota) Biennial Dara/Queen Anne’s Lace (Daucus carota) Biennial

    Dara/Queen Anne’s Lace (Daucus carota) Biennial

    Daucus carota bears elegantly domed umbels worthy of any bouquet. Loved for its rose and purple tinged blossoms, this lacy variety is particularly stunning as a dried flower. Easy to grow and valued as a medicinal tea. 100 seeds minimum Germination:...
  • English Daisy Double Mix (Bellis perennis)

    English Daisy Double Mix (Bellis perennis)

    These delightfully dainty, button-shaped flowers feature fragrant white, pink, and rose double blossoms. Beautiful spring through early summer, this petit heirloom is perfect for edging and in rock gardens. 50 Seeds Minimum Germination: 7-28...
  • Fama Blue Scabiosa (Scabiosa caucasica) Perennial

    Fama Blue Scabiosa (Scabiosa caucasica) Perennial

    Perfect for summer flower arrangements, this lovely perennial yields brilliant blue 3-4” blossoms on sturdy 12” stems. Deadheading will encourage ongoing blooms from late spring through summer. Fama Blue likes well-drained soil and plenty of...
  • Feverfew (Chrysanthemum Parthenium)

    Feverfew (Chrysanthemum Parthenium)

    A whimsical, self-sowing perennial flower producing scads of lovely yellow and white daisy-like blossoms to brighten your containers, borders, and gardens. Highly valued for its medicinal properties. 100 seeds minimum Germination: 14-21 days Bloom...
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  • Forget Me Not (Myosotis alpestris)

    Forget Me Not (Myosotis alpestris)

    This prolific self-seeder promises a profusion of diminutive blue blossoms that make ideal groundcover in shaded and sunny spots alike. The Forget Me Not is an early bloomer favored by pollinators and commonly found in cottage-style gardens. Easy to grow...
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  • Four O'Clocks (Mirabilis jalapa) Four O'Clocks (Mirabilis jalapa)

    Four O'Clocks (Mirabilis jalapa)

    These aptly-named, trumpet-shaped blooms stay closed in the cool of morning and burst open with the afternoon sun. Also known as the Marvel of Peru, this heirloom grows on robust, bushy plants that excel in background border gardens. Minimum of 50...
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  • Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

    Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

    This biennial heirloom’s bell-shaped blossoms are sure to attract hummingbirds! The Foxglove’s pink, fuchsia, and apricot petals bloom on tall spires that look equally lovely growing in the garden or cut for a bouquet.  Minimum of 75...
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  • Gaillardia (Gaillardia aristata) Perennial

    Gaillardia (Gaillardia aristata) Perennial

    This native wildflower perennial blooms mid-to-late summer producing a bounty of red and gold daisy-like blossoms that draw pollinators to your garden. Gaillardia grows well across the country but loves dry climates. Easy to grow and care for! Minimum...
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  • Globe Thistle (Echinops ritro) Perennial

    Globe Thistle (Echinops ritro) Perennial

    Native to Tibet, Globe Thistle features stunning cobalt blue blossoms that add beauty to your garden and elegance to dried floral arrangements. Loved by pollinators and cherished for its traditional medicinal uses, this thistle not only enhances your...
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  • Heal All (Prunella vulgaris)

    Heal All (Prunella vulgaris)

    Also known as Allheal and Self Heal, this hardy perennial herb is highly valued for its diverse medicinal properties. Heal All's small purply-blue flowers are nectar rich and favored by bees and other pollinators, and its leaves are delicious in...
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  • Henna (Lawsonia inermis)

    Henna (Lawsonia inermis)

    Valued for centuries across the globe for its cosmetic properties, henna is best known as a source of dye that can be applied to hair, skin or nails. This shrubby desert plant reaches 16’ tall, requires full sun, and resists drought. 50 seeds...
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  • Honesty Plant (Lunaria biennis)

    Honesty Plant (Lunaria biennis)

    Also known as Money Plant, this unique biennial offers up both lovely violet blossoms and flat, disc-shaped seed pods that dry beautifully. Plants reach 36” tall and bloom in early summer the year after planting. 50 seeds minimum Germination:...
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