

  • Bloody Butcher Corn (Zea mays)

    Bloody Butcher Corn (Zea mays)

    A beautiful multi-purpose corn! Dark burgundy ears can be roasted, ground into meal, and eaten as sweet corn if picked at the milk stage Often used as an ornamental variety. Towering stalks reach 10-12’ tall. 50 seeds minimum Germination: 7-10...
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  • Blue Hopi Corn (Zea mays) Blue Hopi Corn (Zea mays)

    Blue Hopi Corn (Zea mays)

    Originally grown by the Hopi people, this beautiful heirloom flint corn is used for making blue corn flour and as a decorative variety. Can be eaten as a sweet corn if picked very early. Higher protein than other varieties with a lower glycemic index...
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  • Oaxacan Green Dent Corn (Zea mays)

    Oaxacan Green Dent Corn (Zea mays)

    A gorgeous emerald heirloom cultivated for centuries by the Zapotec people of southern Mexico. This decorative favorite is also used for green tortillas and tamales. Stalks reach 7’ tall and produce 6-10” ears. Drought resistant...
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  • Organic Glass Gem Popcorn (Zea mays)

    Organic Glass Gem Popcorn (Zea mays)

    Glass Gem is a stunning Native American heirloom, preserved by renowned breeder, Carl Barns. Lustrous kernels are colored in stained glass hues of blue, gold, green, pink, purple, and red. Multipurpose ears 5-8” long can be popped, ground, or...
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  • Organic Jerry Petersen Blue Corn (Zea mays)

    Organic Jerry Petersen Blue Corn (Zea mays)

    Jerry Petersen is a superb grinding variety that yields a lovely, ultra-soft blue corn flour. We love featuring these stunning, inky blue ears in our autumn ornamental displays. 7-8” ears grow on sturdy plants that reach 7’ tall.  50...
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